Package org.openmrs.api.handler

Interface Summary
RequiredDataHandler<O extends OpenmrsObject> This is the super interface for all save*, void*, and retire* actions that take place on all services.
RetireHandler<R extends Retireable> This is the super interface for all retire* actions that take place on all services.
SaveHandler<O extends OpenmrsObject> This is the super interface for all save* actions that take place on all services.
UnretireHandler<R extends Retireable> This is the super interface for all unretire* actions that take place on all services.
UnvoidHandler<V extends Voidable> This is the super interface for all unvoid* actions that take place on all services.
VoidHandler<V extends Voidable> This is the super interface for all void* actions that take place on all services.

Class Summary
AuditableSaveHandler This class deals with any object that implements Auditable.
BaseRetireHandler This is the default class for all retire* actions that take place on all services.
BaseUnretireHandler This is the super interface for all unretire* actions that take place on all services.
BaseUnvoidHandler This is the super interface for all unvoid* actions that take place on all services.
BaseVoidHandler This is the super interface for all void* actions that take place on all services.
ConceptNameSaveHandler This class deals with ConceptName objects when they are saved via a save* method in an Openmrs Service.
ConceptProposalHandler This class deals with ConceptProposal objects when they are saved via a save* method in an Openmrs Service.
ConceptSaveHandler This class deals with Concept objects when they are saved via a save* method in an Openmrs Service.
OpenmrsMetadataSaveHandler Is called when any OpenmrsMetadata object is being saved.
OpenmrsObjectSaveHandler This class deals with any object that implements OpenmrsObject.
OrderSaveHandler This class deals with Order objects when they are saved via a save* method in an Openmrs Service.
PatientSaveHandler This class deals with Patient objects when they are saved via a save* method in an Openmrs Service.
PersonNameSaveHandler This is called every time a PersonName object is saved.
PersonSaveHandler This class deals with Person objects when they are saved via a save* method in an Openmrs Service.
PersonUnvoidHandler This class unsets the personVoid* attributes on the given Person object when an unvoid* method is called with this class.
PersonVoidHandler This class sets the personVoid* attributes on the given Person object when a void* method is called with this class.
RequireVoidReasonSaveHandler This handler makes sure the when a voided object is saved, that the reason field is entered for supported objects Note: Obs is not included in the supported types because the ObsService handles this explicitly
RequireVoidReasonVoidHandler This class ensures that the voidReason is non-null for supported object types
RetireSaveHandler This handler makes sure the when a retired object is saved with the retired bit set to true, the other required values (like dateRetired and retiredBy) are filled in.
UserSaveHandler This class deals with User objects when they are saved via a save* method in an Openmrs Service.
VoidSaveHandler This handler makes sure the when a voided object is saved with the voided bit set to true, the other required values (like dateVoided and voidedBy) are filled in.


Generated Apr 27 2012 10:06 PM. NOTE - these libraries are in active development and subject to change