Package org.openmrs.api.impl

Class Summary
ActiveListServiceImpl Default implementation of the active list service.
AdministrationServiceImpl Default implementation of the administration services.
BaseOpenmrsService Default method implementations for the OpenmrsService.
CohortServiceImpl API functions related to Cohorts
ConceptServiceImpl Default Implementation of ConceptService service layer classes
EncounterServiceImpl Default implementation of the EncounterService
FormServiceImpl Default implementation of the FormService
GlobalLocaleList A utility class which caches the current list of allowed locales, rebuilding the list whenever the global properties are updated.
LocationServiceImpl Default implementation of the LocationService
ObsServiceImpl Default implementation of the Observation Service
OrderServiceImpl Default implementation of the Order-related services class.
PatientServiceImpl Default implementation of the patient service.
PersonServiceImpl Default implementation of the PersonService
ProgramWorkflowServiceImpl Default implementation of the ProgramWorkflow-related services class.
SerializationServiceImpl Contains methods for retrieving registered OpenmrsSerializer instances, and for persisting/retrieving/deleting objects using serialization
UserServiceImpl Default implementation of the user service.


Generated Apr 27 2012 10:06 PM. NOTE - these libraries are in active development and subject to change