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Interface Summary | |
Address | Defines the standard fields for an Address in OpenMRS |
Attributable<E> | Classes marked with this interface are able to be special values for a PersonAttribute. |
Auditable | In OpenMRS, the convention is to track basic audit information for each object related to who initially created the object and when, and who last changed the object and when. |
OpenmrsData | In OpenMRS, we distinguish between data and metadata within our data model. |
OpenmrsMetadata | In OpenMRS, we distinguish between data and metadata within our data model. |
OpenmrsObject | This is the base interface for all OpenMRS-defined classes |
Retireable | In OpenMRS, data are rarely fully deleted (purged) from the system; rather, they are either voided or retired. |
Voidable | In OpenMRS, data are rarely fully deleted (purged) from the system; rather, they are either voided or retired. |
Class Summary | |
BaseOpenmrsData | In OpenMRS, we distinguish between data and metadata within our data model. |
BaseOpenmrsMetadata | In OpenMRS, we distinguish between data and metadata within our data model. |
BaseOpenmrsObject | This is the base implementation of the OpenmrsObject interface.It implements the uuid variable that all objects are expected to have. |
Cohort | This class represents a list of patientIds. |
Concept | A Concept object can represent either a question or an answer to a data point. |
ConceptAnswer | This class represents one option for an answer to a question type of Concept . |
ConceptClass | ConceptClass |
ConceptComplex | Child class of Concept that has a ComplexObsHandler associated with the Concept. |
ConceptDatatype | ConceptDatatype |
ConceptDerived | Represent a concept derived from multiple observations or non-observational data |
ConceptDescription | ConceptDescription is the localized description of a concept. |
ConceptMap | The concept map object represents a mapping of Concept to ConceptSource. |
ConceptName | ConceptName is the real world term used to express a Concept within the idiom of a particular locale. |
ConceptNameTag | ConceptNameTag is a textual tag which can be applied to a ConceptName. |
ConceptNumeric | The ConceptNumeric extends upon the Concept object by adding some number range values |
ConceptProposal | A ConceptProposal is a temporary holder for concept that should be in the system. |
ConceptSet | This represents a single concept within a concept set. |
ConceptSetDerived | ConceptSetDerived |
ConceptSource | A concept source is defined as any institution that keeps a concept dictionary. |
ConceptStateConversion | ConceptStateConversion |
ConceptWord | ConceptWord Concept words are the individual terms of which a concept name is composed. |
Drug | Drug |
DrugIngredient | DrugIngredient |
DrugOrder | DrugOrder |
Encounter | An Encounter represents one visit or interaction of a patient with a healthcare worker. |
EncounterType | An EncounterType defines how a certain kind of Encounter . |
Field | Field |
FieldAnswer | FieldAnswer |
FieldType | FieldType |
Form | Form |
FormField | The FormField object relates/orders the fields on a form A form can
have many 0 to n fields associated with it in a hierarchical manor. |
GlobalProperty | Global properties are simple key-value pairs persisted in the database GPs can be thought of as something similar to environment variables used in operating systems. |
ImplementationId | Every installation of OpenMRS should get a unique implementation id. |
Location | A Location is a physical place, such as a hospital, a room, a clinic, or a district. |
LocationTag | An LocationTag allows categorization of Location s |
MimeType | Deprecated. This class is no longer used. |
Obs | An observation is a single unit of clinical information. |
Order | Dates should be interpreted as follows: If startDate is null then the order has been going on "since the beginning of time" Otherwise the order starts on startDate If discontinued is non-null and true, then the following fields should be ignored: autoExpireDate if discontinuedDate is null then the order was discontinued "the instant after it began" otherwise it was given from its starting date until discontinuedDate Otherwise (discontinued is null or false) if autoExpireDate is null, the order is set to go forever otherwise the order goes until autoExpireDate the following fields should be ignored: discontinuedBy discontinuedDate discontinuedReason It is an error to have discontinued be true and have discontinuedDate be after autoExpireDate. |
OrderType | OrderType |
Patient | Defines a Patient in the system. |
PatientIdentifier | A Patient can have zero to n identifying PatientIdentifier(s). |
PatientIdentifierType | PatientIdentifierType |
PatientProgram | PatientProgram |
PatientState | PatientState |
Person | A Person in the system. |
PersonAddress | This class is the representation of a person's address. |
PersonAttribute | A PersonAttribute is meant as way for implementations to add arbitrary information about a user/patient to their database. |
PersonAttributeType | PersonAttributeType |
PersonName | A Person can have zero to n PersonName(s). |
Privilege | Privilege |
Program | Program |
ProgramWorkflow | ProgramWorkflow |
ProgramWorkflowState | ProgramWorkflowState |
Relationship | Relationship |
RelationshipType | Defines a type of relationship between two people in the database. |
Role | A Role is just an aggregater of Privilege s. |
Tribe | Deprecated. This object is no longer supported. |
User | Defines a User Account in the system. |
These classes represent the core domain objects for the OpenMRS project.
OpenMRS-1.7.x | ||||||||