Class | Description |
AddConceptMapTypesChangeset |
Inserts core concept map types into the concept map type table
BooleanConceptChangeSet |
Adds yes/no boolean concepts and changes all boolean obs values to match these concepts
CheckDrugOrderUnitAndFrequencyTextNotMappedToConcepts |
This changesets finds all free text drug order dose units and frequencies and checks that they
are all mapped to concepts ids via the OpenmrsConstants#GP_ORDER_ENTRY_UNITS_TO_CONCEPTS_MAPPINGS
global property prior to upgrading to version 1.10.
ConceptValidatorChangeSet |
This change set is run just after the conversion of core concept name tags to concept name types'
it runs through all the rows in the concept table and checks if all its conceptNames conform to
the constraints added with the conversion of the tags.
ConvertOrderersToProviders |
This changeset creates provider accounts for orderers that have no providers accounts, and then
converts the orderer from being users to providers
CreateCodedOrderFrequencyForDrugOrderFrequencyChangeset | |
CreateDiscontinueOrders | |
DisableTriggersChangeSet |
Disables all triggers for the current schema
Postgres does not have a call to disable all foreign key constraints.
DuplicateEncounterRoleNameChangeSet |
Liquibase custom changeset used to identify and resolve duplicate EncounterRole names.
DuplicateEncounterTypeNameChangeSet |
Liquibase custom changeset used to identify and resolve duplicate EncounterType names.
DuplicateLocationAttributeTypeNameChangeSet |
Liquibase custom changeset used to identify and resolve duplicate LocationAttributeType names.
EnableTriggersChangeSet |
Enables all triggers for the current schema
Postgres does not have a call to enable all foreign key constraints.
EncryptSecretAnswersChangeSet |
This change set is run to encrypt the users.secret_answer column
GenerateUuid |
Generates UUIDs for all rows in all tables in the tableNames parameter.
MigrateAllergiesChangeSet |
Moves un voided allergies from the old active_list and active_list_allergy tables to the new
allergy and allergy_recation tables
MigrateConceptReferenceTermChangeSet |
Creates concept reference terms from existing rows in the concept_reference_map table.
MigrateDrugOrderFrequencyToCodedOrderFrequencyChangeset | |
MigrateDrugOrderUnitsToCodedDoseUnitsChangeset | |
MoveDeletedHL7sChangeSet |
This change set moves "deleted" HL7s from the archive table to the queue table
ProgramValidatorChangeSet |
This change set is executed in conjunction with a change made to Patient Programs which
automatically will complete a Patient Program if a Workflow within that Program transitions to a
state marked as final.
SourceMySqldiffFile |
Executes (aka "source"s) the given file on the current database.
UpdateCohortMemberIdsChangeset |
This change set is run to update cohort member ids
UpdateLayoutAddressFormatChangeSet |
This change set is run to update layout.address.format global property
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