Integer cohortId
String name
String description
Set<E> memberIds
CohortDefinition cohortDefinition
EvaluationContext evaluationContext
Integer conceptId
Boolean retired
User retiredBy
Date dateRetired
String retireReason
ConceptDatatype datatype
ConceptClass conceptClass
Boolean set
String version
User creator
Date dateCreated
User changedBy
Date dateChanged
Collection<E> names
Collection<E> answers
Collection<E> conceptSets
Collection<E> descriptions
Collection<E> conceptMappings
Map<K,V> compatibleCache
Integer conceptAnswerId
Concept concept
Concept answerConcept
Drug answerDrug
answer to the question. This can be null if this does not represent a drug
type of answerUser creator
Date dateCreated
Double sortWeight
Integer conceptClassId
String handler
Integer conceptNameId
Concept concept
String name
Locale locale
User creator
Date dateCreated
Boolean voided
User voidedBy
Date dateVoided
String voidReason
Collection<E> tags
ConceptNameType conceptNameType
Boolean localePreferred
Integer conceptProposalId
Encounter encounter
Concept obsConcept
Obs obs
Concept mappedConcept
String originalText
String finalText
String state
String comments
User creator
Date dateCreated
User changedBy
Date dateChanged
Concept concept
ConceptName conceptName
String word
Double transientWeight
Integer conceptStateConversionId
Concept concept
ProgramWorkflow programWorkflow
ProgramWorkflowState programWorkflowState
Integer encounterTypeId
Integer locationId
String address1
String address2
String cityVillage
String stateProvince
String country
String postalCode
String latitude
String longitude
String countyDistrict
String address3
String address4
String address6
String address5
Location parentLocation
Set<E> childLocations
Set<E> tags
Integer locationTagId
Integer obsId
Concept concept
Date obsDatetime
String accessionNumber
Obs obsGroup
Set<E> groupMembers
Concept valueCoded
ConceptName valueCodedName
Drug valueDrug
Integer valueGroupId
Date valueDatetime
Double valueNumeric
String valueModifier
String valueText
String valueComplex
String comment
Person person
Order order
Location location
Encounter encounter
Date dateStarted
Date dateStopped
Integer orderId
Patient patient
OrderType orderType
Concept concept
String instructions
Date startDate
Date autoExpireDate
Encounter encounter
User orderer
Boolean discontinued
User discontinuedBy
Date discontinuedDate
Concept discontinuedReason
String accessionNumber
String discontinuedReasonNonCoded
Integer orderTypeId
Integer patientStateId
PatientProgram patientProgram
ProgramWorkflowState state
Date startDate
Date endDate
Integer personId
Set<E> addresses
Set<E> names
Set<E> attributes
String gender
Date birthdate
Boolean birthdateEstimated
Boolean dead
Date deathDate
Concept causeOfDeath
User personCreator
Date personDateCreated
User personChangedBy
Date personDateChanged
Boolean personVoided
User personVoidedBy
Date personDateVoided
String personVoidReason
boolean isPatient
Map<K,V> attributeMap
Integer personAddressId
Person person
Boolean preferred
String address1
String address2
String cityVillage
String address3
String countyDistrict
String address4
String address6
String address5
String stateProvince
String country
String postalCode
String latitude
String longitude
Integer personAttributeId
Person person
PersonAttributeType attributeType
String value
Integer personNameId
Person person
Boolean preferred
String prefix
String givenName
String middleName
String familyNamePrefix
String familyName
String familyName2
String familyNameSuffix
String degree
String privilege
Integer programWorkflowStateId
ProgramWorkflow programWorkflow
Concept concept
Boolean initial
Boolean terminal
Integer relationshipId
Person personA
RelationshipType relationshipType
Person personB
Integer userId
Person person
String systemId
String username
String secretQuestion
Set<E> roles
Map<K,V> userProperties
List<E> proficientLocales
String parsedProficientLocalesProperty
String format
PatientIdentifier patientIdentifier
User user
List<E> proxies
Locale locale
Role authenticatedRole
Role anonymousRole
Location location
Cohort cohort
Integer hl7SourceId
String moduleId
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
Integer index
Iterator<E> extensions
Map<K,V> parameterMap
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent bodyContent
String pointId
String parameters
String requiredClass
String type
String varStatus
Map<K,V> status
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
AlertDAO dao
NoteDAO dao
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
String name
Collection<E> questions
CohortDefinition filter
Date fromDate
Date toDate
String name
Collection<E> programs
CohortDefinition filter
PatientFilter baseFilter
LogicCriteria criteria
Cohort cohort
PatientFilter patientFilter
DataExportReportObject dataExport
String datasetLocation
List<E> patientIds
Location location
Integer cohortId
Integer cohortDefinitionId
Integer patientSearchId
boolean allPatients
List<E> columns
List<E> patientIds
Location location
Integer cohortId
Integer cohortDefinitionId
Integer patientSearchId
boolean isAllPatients
List<E> columns
RowPerObsColumn rowPerObsColumn
Set<E> reportElements
DataExportReportObject dataExport
Cohort patientSet
CohortDefinition cohortDefinition
DatasetDefinition datasetDefinition
DatasetDefinition datasetDefinition
CohortDefinition cohortDefinition
String dateFormat
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
int batchSize
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
String localize
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
String type
String formFieldName
Object val
String url
String parameters
Map<K,V> parameterMap
Boolean allowUserDefault
FieldGenHandlerFactory factory
Map<K,V> fieldGenHandlerCache
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
String var
Integer conceptId
Concept concept
Obs obsValue
Integer userId
User user
Integer personId
Person person
Integer encounterId
Encounter encounter
Integer encounterTypeId
EncounterType encounterType
Integer locationId
Location location
Integer locationTagId
LocationTag locationTag
Integer programId
Program program
Boolean javaScriptEscape
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
String name
Collection<E> allItems
Collection<E> currentItems
Collection<E> inheritedItems
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
String concepts
Collection<E> observations
boolean sortDescending
boolean orientVertical
Boolean showEmptyConcepts
Boolean showConceptHeader
Boolean showDateHeader
Boolean combineEqualResults
String id
String cssClass
Date fromDate
Date toDate
Integer limit
String conceptLink
Boolean htmlEscape
Object message
String code
Object arguments
String argumentSeparator
String text
String var
String scope
String locale
boolean javaScriptEscape
org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger requestContext
org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
Collection<E> observations
Collection<E> encounters
String var
String ifTrue
String ifFalse
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