Interface RetireHandler<R extends Retireable>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RetireHandler<R extends Retireable>
extends RequiredDataHandler<R>

This is the super interface for all retire* actions that take place on all services. The RequiredDataAdvice class uses AOP around each method in every service to check to see if its a retire* method. If it is a retire* method, this class is called to handle setting the Retireable.isRetired(), Retireable.setRetireReason(String), Retireable.setRetiredBy(User), and Retireable.setDateRetired(Date).

Child collections on this Retireable that are themselves a Retireable are looped over and also retired by the RequiredDataAdvice class.

See Also:
BaseRetireHandler, RequiredDataAdvice

Method Summary
 void handle(R retireableObject, User retiringUser, java.util.Date retireDate, java.lang.String retireReason)
          Implementing methods should set "retired" to true, the retired reason, and the retiredBy/dateRetired (if those are non-null).

Method Detail


void handle(R retireableObject,
            User retiringUser,
            java.util.Date retireDate,
            java.lang.String retireReason)
Implementing methods should set "retired" to true, the retired reason, and the retiredBy/dateRetired (if those are non-null).

Specified by:
handle in interface RequiredDataHandler<R extends Retireable>
retireableObject - an OpenmrsObject that needs to have some required data set
retiringUser - the currently authenticated User
retireDate - the current Date
retireReason - (optional) would be the second argument in the save/void/unvoid/etc method, if exists
See Also:
RequiredDataHandler.handle(org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject, org.openmrs.User, java.util.Date, java.lang.String)


Generated Apr 27 2012 10:06 PM. NOTE - these libraries are in active development and subject to change