Package org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate

Resources for Hibernate ORM.


Class Summary
AuditableInterceptor This class looks for Auditable that are being inserted into the database.
ChainingInterceptor Used by the HibernateSessionFactoryBean to keep track of multiple interceptors
Each of the methods in Interceptor are called for each interceptor that is added to this class
HibernateActiveListDAO Hibernate specific database methods for the ActiveListService
HibernateAdministrationDAO Hibernate specific database methods for the AdministrationService
HibernateCohortDAO Hibernate implementation of the CohortDAO
HibernateConceptDAO The Hibernate class for Concepts, Drugs, and related classes.
HibernateContextDAO Hibernate specific implementation of the ContextDAO.
HibernateEncounterDAO Hibernate specific dao for the EncounterService All calls should be made on the Context.getEncounterService() object
HibernateFormDAO Hibernate specific Form related functions This class should not be used directly.
HibernateLocationDAO Hibernate location-related database functions
HibernateObsDAO Hibernate specific Observation related functions This class should not be used directly.
HibernateOrderDAO This class should not be used directly.
HibernatePatientDAO Hibernate specific database methods for the PatientService
HibernatePatientSetDAO Hibernate specific implementation of the PatientSetDAO.
HibernatePersonDAO Hibernate specific Person database methods.
HibernateProgramWorkflowDAO Hibernate specific ProgramWorkflow related functions.

This class should not be used directly.
HibernateSerializedObjectDAO Hibernate specific database access methods for serialized objects
HibernateUserDAO Hibernate specific database methods for the UserService
HibernateUtil This class holds common methods and utilities that are used across the hibernate related classes
NativeIfNotAssignedIdentityGenerator native-if-not-assigned

By setting the Hibernate configuration's primary key column to use a "native" implementation, Hibernate ALWAYS generates the entity's id when it is being saved.
PatientSearchCriteria The PatientSearchCriteria class.

Package org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate Description

Resources for Hibernate ORM.
The Hibernate mapping files can be found in /metadata/api/hibernate.


Generated Apr 27 2012 10:06 PM. NOTE - these libraries are in active development and subject to change